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Q: Did the Olmec interacted with other groups?
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Did the olmec conquer Mayan?

No, not they we know of. The Olmec were a mesoamerican civilization that developed well before the mayans developed. At the time of the height of the Olmec civilization, the mayans were still a relatively primitive group of tribes. They may have interacted, and the Olmec might have taken advantage of them, but the Classical Maya (those with pyramids, hieroglyphs, and calendar), had no interasction with the olmec.

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They were threatened and were used to place their residencies far from water and arable land.

What was the olmec daily life like?

The Olmec daily life was about cropping, inventing, and worshipping their gods in groups called theocracy.

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Why was trade important to the olmec culture?

Trade was important to the Olmec culture because it allowed them to acquire resources not available in their region, such as jade and obsidian. This facilitated the development of their society and helped establish social and economic connections with other Mesoamerican groups. Trade also played a role in spreading Olmec influence and culture beyond their immediate territory.

What was the daily life in the civilization?

The Olmec daily life was about cropping, inventing, and worshipping their gods in groups called theocracy.

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It is a false statement that during their Golden Age, the Chinese were eager to learn from the other cultures they interacted with. At this point, the Chinese were very ethnocentric.

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In general, the people of the continents interacted with each other through trade and exploration during the 1400s. Traders took ships from one continent to the next in search of valuables.