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The rich Romans did. The poor Romans who could not afford to throw parties ate their food from a sitting position.

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Q: Did the Romans eat food at parties lying down?
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Should kids eat while lying down in bed?

probably not. if they lie down the food could fall down their throat and they can choke.

Why are human able to eat and drink when lying down?

You can eat lying down because the food doesn't just fall down you oesophagus (gullet), it is pushed down by muscles. However, it may be hard to drink whilst lying down because the water may tip out of your glass before the glass touches your lips. It is possible, though.

How does the food travels down the gullet when you are lying down?

The digestive system includes muscles that squeeze the food in such a way as to drive it in the direction it needs to go; this is technically known as peristalsis.

What is Romans's favorite food?

Romans favourite food was meat

How does peristalstis help your body?

Peristalsis is the contractions that push down semi-digested food in the oesophagus and even in the intestines. Peristalsis allows you to digest your food even when lying down, ie; you do not have to be upright for digestion to occur.

Did the Romans have food?

Of course the Romans had food. Every single people in the world and throughout history has/had food. Without food you die.

What did the Romans do for food?

they ate roman food

What was the Ancient Romans favorite food?

what was the ancient roams food

Why should adults not lie down and eat food?

There is a greater risk of dropping food where you don't want to be, if you eat lying down. If you are sitting up, you can see your food, and also eat it at a table. Even if you do drop some food it will land back on the plate, or at least on the table, which is much better than having it land on your bed and cause stains in your bedding or mattress, which are difficult to clean. Lying down, with a bowl of food balanced on your stomach, you can't really see the food very well, and you are more likely to drop it in the process of getting it to your mouth. It is also true that swallowing is easier in an upright position.

What food did Romans like to eat?

food and drink

Where Romans got there food from?

Romans got their food from the forest or the jungles by the beaches they also got their food by going to the trees and bushes and picked fruit of of them.

How did the Romans store there food?

The Romans carried their food in baskets and bags to their homes and the markets.