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No, the opposite is true. The United States and England were actually slow to open a second front against Germany. Many hoped that Germany and the Soviet Union would bleed each other dry.

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Q: Did the US and Great Britain move as fast as humanly possible to open a second front against Germany in World War 2?
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Did the Russian army execute German prisoners?

From what i know, Germany is considered More horrible than Russia. but that is wrong. Russia had killed more lives than Germany and even killed their own troops if they retreated at and point. and yes, the Russians definitely executed German prisoners. in fact Russians would not execute prisoners humanly. sometimes Germans would be shot while being marched to a nearby camp.

How did Tocqueville view American democracy?

He wrote an excellent book, "Democracy in America," on the subject. As that suggests, he found American democracy interesting, compelling, humanly imperfect. You can also go to Cheers.

What are mosaic made of?

Mosaics are made of little bits of anything to make a picture. So anything that is humanly possible to tear or make into little tiny bits is mosaic material. Technically correct, but depending on what sort of mosaic you want to make. Hard moaics are generally made of pebbles/stones, smashed tiles, coloured glass and wishing stones. They can also be made of coins beads shells and corks.

Did house slaves get any breaks?

House slaves was normally treated as servants and in some families as family members.There was cases where slaves were mistreated but that was realy the exceptions,slaves were generally treated humanly with rest,food and shelter.However being a slave meant that no compansation was given for services rendered and you could never leave or seek alternative employment.

What are the causes and effects of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988?

For the causes, see the Related Question. For the effects, the War was basically a stalemate which meant that both sides returned to the pre-war status quo (although quite economically and humanly worse). Islamic Government did not expand into the Middle East until the Arab Spring. Iraq did not acquire Khuzestan.

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