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No. The United States did not enter on the wrong side in World War 1. German U - boats were sinking not just English or French ships but also American Ships. As Innocent Americans were being killed, The American government had little choice but to enter on the side of the Triple Entente.


A very good question, there is increasing evidence that what the Germans said at the time is true, in that the Lusitania was carrying a huge arms shipment to England during wartime. The Germans themselves attempted to put out a full page advert in many American newspapers warning passengers not to board the ship, all but one of these adverts were suppressed and never printed.

Bear in mind that America had already been at war twice with England, and never previously with Germany. Bear in mind also that the Germans were and still are the largest immigrant group in America, the Irish being the second, both of which had no love of England. And yet England had borrowed heavily from America to fund this war.

At the very early part of WW1 German uboats had acted honorably towards neutral merchant shipping, surfacing and inspecting only, whereas the English Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, very quickly dishonoured the 'cruiser rules' when Germany started getting the upper hand with submarines. Initially making it an offence for any merchant boat to obey a German subs order to halt, ignore the white flag and to respond with any armaments they had, failing that to ram vulnerable surfaced subs, thus forcing the Germans to fire on merchant shipping.

Next Churchill started arming merchant vessels, and naval ships began masquerading as merchant vessels with crews wearing civilian clothes. The Germans were left with no options but to forget about the prewar agreed 'cruiser rules' themselves. There were many other illegal tricks played by Churchill at this time including running the American flag on many English ships, and mining up the north sea.

Also England and France were aligned with pre revolution Tsarist Russia.

But please don't take my word for it, history was never my favourite subject, there seems to be a lot of in depth articles on the net about this, and very little of it points to English honorable actions at the start of the war, and most points to an English defeat if America had stayed neutral, and without question if America had helped the Germans instead. Most are agreed an English defeat in WW1 would not have seen the rise of Hitler in Germany.

Throughout my research on this question, the name J P Morgan (Jnr) kept cropping up, time and again, war is money it seems and we seem to be still living with similar lies today.

hope this helps some, there's plenty of info out there.....

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Q: Did the US enter on the wrong side in World War I?
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