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Yes and it read thus:


America asks that you take immediate heed of what we say on this leaflet.

We are in possession of the most destructive explosive ever devised by man. A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s can carry on a single mission. This awful fact is one for you to ponder and we solemnly assure you it is grimly accurate.

We have just begun to use this weapon against your homeland. If you still have any doubt, make inquiry as to what happened to Hiroshima when just one atomic bomb fell on that city.

Before using this bomb to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, we ask that you now petition the Emperor to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better and peace-loving Japan.

You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.



Because your military leaders have rejected the thirteen part surrender declaration, two momentous events have occurred in the last few days.

The Soviet Union, because of this rejection on the part of the military has notified your Ambassador Sato that it has declared war on your nation. Thus, all powerful countries of the world are now at war with you.

Also, because of your leaders' refusal to accept the surrender declaration that would enable Japan to honorably end this useless war, we have employed our atomic bomb.

A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s could have carried on a single mission. Radio Tokyo has told you that with the first use of this weapon of total destruction, Hiroshima was virtually destroyed.

Before we use this bomb again and again to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, petition the emperor now to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better, and peace-loving Japan.

Act at once or we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.


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14y ago

The US did, in fact, drop a series of warning flyers in various Japanese cities warning generally of a drastic military action pending against their government. The notes, stating that the US had no desire to injure civilians, warned citizens from several cities to evacuate. They did not specifically warn of an "atomic bomb," presumably because no one would have understood that from any other kind of bomb at the time.

A fleeting handful of these pamplhets survive among the personal effects of WWII-era soliders' families.

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12y ago

At the time, the Allied powers could see no other way of ending the war, and it could have gone on for years. Additionally there were many thousands of prisoners of war being atrociously treated - kept in small cages under broiling sun, starved, tortured, blinded, tongues cut out - and without something to make Japan surrender these men could be there for years. Japan was amply warned both times that a nuclear device would be used and twice they refused to surrender. Although the atomic bombs were terrible, the death toll would have been far higher on all sides had tge war continued, and the Japanese slaughtered more innocent people in China alone than the death toll of both atomic bombs.

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Q: Did the USdrop millions of leaflets before dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
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What was negative about dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

millions of innocent lives were taken. Recommended reading: "Hiroshima" by John Hershey (won a Pulitzer Prize)

Who was affected by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

WOW, the only answer to this would be quite literally the entire world. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the first use (other than testing) of nuclear weapons, and the result was the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (as well as the more obvious- deaths of millions and radioactive poisoning of even more people, plants and animals.)

Why did Americans used atom bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki?

The United States bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima to end World War Two. If they hadn't dropped them, American and Russian troops would have had to invade even further into Japan costing millions of lives. Of course that is a very hypocritical act. The two bombs killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.

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The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. It was two days after the first one on Hiroshima. It was done to convince the Imperial Japanese army that surrender was their only option. Otherwise they would have fought to the death and millions of Japanese and Americans would have died in the invasion of Japan.

Why was hiroshima important to World War II?

Dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima was one step toward the end of the war and saving millions of American and Japanese lives by preventing the invasion.

What happened when the US dropped the bomb on Japan?

Well the United States dropped two bombs, one in Nagasaki and the other one in Hiroshima. Hundreds of thousands were killed instantly in both cities. Millions of homes were destroyed. Thousands died the weeks following from radiation, starvation and lack of uncontaminated water. Japan surrendered soon after Hiroshima.

Is there still radiation from the atomic bombs of World War 2?

no but global warming is killing millions of people worldwide. global warming killed my dog. and manbearpig is global warming's brother

What year has the most historical events?

Although over years could be argued, I would say 1945 as it had one of the largest global and lasting impacts and events. 1942 was the turrning point of WW2 which finally ends at the end of the year (death toll of which is millions), Allied discovery of the holocaust death camps, dropping of nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima (which also led to the start of the cold war between America and Russia) and the United Nations is formed.

How much people die from an atomic bomb in a minute?

Probably nil. There have only been two atomic bomb launches on actual cities (in WWII, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) that killed millions of people BACK THEN. But now, the radiation probably faded away, and thus causes no more deaths.

Which of the following best explains why president harry Struman decided to drop the atomic bombs on hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of world war 2?

Truman's number one motivation: 200,000 estimated deaths from the atomic bombs and see the surrender of the Japanese happen Versus sending millions of American and Russian Allies into Japan to kill millions of Japanese military and civilian people. He chose the first hoping it would end the war and save millions of lives, which it did.

How many soldiers were in Hiroshima when it was bombed?

The bomb created a blast equivalent to about 13 kilotons of TNT. The radius of total destruction was about one mile, Fires resulting from the explosion spread out to an area of radius of about 4.4 miles Japanese officials determined that 69% of Hiroshima's buildings were destroyed and about 7% damaged. 20 US military captives were killed.

Was the atomic bomb the wrong decision?

A:if you think about it the Japanese were prepared to fight to the death for every last inch of land and that would cost the Japanese millions of lives, and thousands more Americans would die. so either have millions and then thousands of people die or just about two hundred thousand. i would say two hundred thousand which is the approximate number of lives lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.