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Q: Did the US rebuild or downsize it's military after ww1?
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What was the first type of us military involvement in ww1?

When they help the french and british troops with supplies

How did the US mobilize a strong military during ww1?

having to do with allies and fighting against other countries

What are five wars the us military has been in?

WW1 and 2,vietnam,iraq,afganistan,ect it goes on

Who were the leaders of the US during ww1?

Woodrow Wilson as Commander in Chief and General Blackjack Pershing as the military commander.

What is the battle of Belleau Wood?

Belleau Wood's is an area in France where US Military Forces engaged German forces during WW1

Was the french on the us side in ww1?

Yes in WW1 and WW2 the French were allied with the US.

World war 1 who has the strongest military?

Britain had the strongest navy, prior to WW1, and during. However, Germany was in competition.

Where did the US ship military supplies to support the war effort in ww1?

Discounting Russian supply lines, the bulk of US supplies landed in Great Britain in WWI...same as it did in WWII.

Which region of the world did the US help to rebuild with the marshall plan?

The US helped rebuild western Europe with the Marshall Plan.

What did European leaders think about the us entering WW1?

No much. The USA had a small and outmoded military. For example, even though the first airplane was invented in the USA, the Europeans had much better military aircraft. In addition, the USA had no culture.