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Q: Did the United states ever fight for native Americans?
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In 1970 what native American tribe joined the British to fight against the US?

In 1970 the United States wasn’t fighting the British and no Native Americans joined them.

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one of the biggest threats was that when the eurpoeans arrived to the other side, the united states of american they threatened the native americans saying they wanted the land that the native americans were on. However the native americans went up with a fight and didnt let them.

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They wanted to prove their loyalty to the United States. They wanted to show that they were fighting and loyal to try to stop discrimination.

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The Americans for the native Indians.

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Latin Americans had supported American in its fight for Independence during the American revolution

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They joined the United States to fight the Spanish.

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they fighted for british

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the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.

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