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No, the war of the roses was between the old monarchy and the new monarchy. The Yorks (Whites) were the old monarchy while the Plantaions were those who believed in the new (Red). The Whites and Reds both fought over the next heir to the English Throne, eventually Prince Henry of the Yorks married Princess Elizabeth of Plantations he desined the new monarch to have the combination of the red and white and he created the Tudor Rose (pink) and today is known as the English Rose. Henry officially marcked a new lineage to draw from, no longer the two feuding families but his own direct line of Tudors

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The War of the Roses was a conflict between two branches of the same royal family (House of York vs. House of Lancaster) in the 15th century, which was primarily a struggle for the English throne and not directly about religion. It did not have a significant impact on the divide between Protestants and Catholics in Britain, as that divide became more pronounced during the Reformation in the 16th century.

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Q: Did the War of the Roses divide Britain's Protestants against Catholics?
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