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Q: Did the axis powers take over Poland?
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Who did the Axis powers take over before 1942?


When did axis take power over Poland?

September 1939

How did the axis power take over much of the world?

The axis powers had been preparing for war for several years. The allies had not been.

How long did it take the axis powers to capture Stalingrad?

The Axis powers never won the battle for Stalingrad which turned into a significant defeat for the Axis forces from which they never recovered .

Why did the axis powers try to take over the world?

They don' tried to take over the world. The Nazis want "Lebensraum im Osten" (take russia).Japan want to be the mainpower in Asia and the hole pazific. Italy wasn't a main power of the axis ... very weak military.

Why was US scared of Japan expanding?

Because if Japan expanded, the Axis powers might actually be able to take over the Allies and that would be bad.

What are the axis powers strategies for world war 2?

Basically, the Axis power strategy was to win and dominate the world. Thankfully, they failed and, in 2017, let us hope that no other country tries to take over the world!

How long did it take for Germany to defeat Poland?

Around a month to defeat them and take over ruling Poland.

Why was Poland attacked?

Poland was attacked by Germans because they wanted to take over.

Did Hitler take over Poland?


What battle did Allied invasion try to take back Europe from the axis powers?


What were the ultimate goals of those involved in World War 2?

The Axis powers were trying to take over other nations. Germany wanted to control Europe, Japan wanted to control the Islands of the Pacific. Allied powers wanted to stop them.