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No, Considering the fact that the Bubonic Plague was exposed to almost anyone who was in an infected area (including doctors despite their efforts). their were also many different methods beleived to have cured the plague simply because people using these methods got better anyway! technically being exposed is different from actually catching the plague therefore some/many of those exposed were fine

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I am going to add onto what was previously said. It was a matter of evolution or natural selection where the the strongest survived. The ones that came in contact and survived somehow, maybe out of chance, were able to overcome it. I almost view it as a Chess game where your immune system is fighting this virus. You know well that this virus is really good but there is always that chance that virus is having that bad day and the immune system able to win. Ones that survived became immune to it and may have been capable to pass on the immunity to their children.

No. It can be cured by antibiotics, and there might have been a miracle where a few people lived it. Most died back before antibiotics though. Some people, back in middle ages, just happened to get better. It may have been their immunity or something in their genes...

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Q: Did the bubonic plague kill everyone who was exposed to it?
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How does the bubonic plague kill humans?

by kyle cochrane

How many days would the bubonic plague take to kill?

Around 3 to 7 days.

What were the three kindes of plague?

Bubonic, Cholera, and even Influenza used to kill hundreds of thousand before vaccines.

Would it be unlikely for the bubonic plague to occur in todays society?

no, because of modern science, it would only kill Mexicans and Arabs

How does Bubonic Plague affect the body?

in fact the plague does kill you but the symptoms are bulges on the neck and body in fact why they call it black death is the bulges turn black and burst that's why you die

How many English people did the bubonic plague kill?

it supposedly killed over 33,000 people

Did the bubonic plague kill nine tenths of the population in 1300s?

It killed 2 thirds of the European population. That was around 20 million persons.

How did the rats survive the black plague?

In general, they didn't, any more than humans did. Bubonic plague is deadly to rats and most rodents, just like it is to humans. However, given the very rapid breeding times of rats, bubonic plague is unable to wipe out entire rat populations. So, just as the Black Death didn't kill all humans (at least some were immune, and others recovered after infection), it doesn't kill all rats.

The black plague will make a comeback?

Bubonic Plague has never left- it still exists- there are a few cases in Colorado each year (fleas on prairie dogs). However, there are insecticides to kill fleas, and antibiotics to treat the disease. Comeback not likely.

What keeps the black plague under control today?

The bubonic plague (also known as the black death) wiped out most of the population in Europe in 1347-1350 this was because of poor healthcare and even worse sewage control, urine and fecal matter would flow through the streets. exposed to these conditions deteriorated the immune systems of the inhabitants, making them more succeptable to the bites of the fleas carried on rats that stowed away on trading ships. it was the bites of these fleas that spread the bubonic plague, not spread on the wind which was the common belief. simple pennicillin and antibiotics can kill the plague virus, which itself has become rarer thanks to the increasing standards of sewage control and healthcare worldwide.

What is the quickest killing disease?

Infectious diseases, which I'm sure is what you mean since heart attacks and brain aneurysms kill you in a matter of seconds, such as Ebola can kill you within a week.

The bubonic plague 7va history?

dear citizins of other parts of England This is bliss Merlin speaking for my town and family the bubonic plague has hit my town there is disaster all over the place there are people screaming for help the sight that approches are eyes is too sad to explain the smell is becoming worst and causin the plauge to rise the level Bubonic plague symptoms can occur within two to six days of being infected by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. If left untreated, symptoms, such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, can progress rapidly to septicemic plague. Approximately 10 to 20 percent of people with bubonic plague symptoms will also develop symptoms in the is pneumonic plague, and is often fatal. so we are begging you for help please ask your proffersinal doctor to invent something for the sake of the citizins of great Britain help us as we are and will be part of you it has killed 45million already and rising to 75 million we have estimated it is going to kill 1/3 of the Europe population which means it will kill about 25-50 million.