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In the 1920s, it was not common for children in the United States to wear uniforms to school. School uniforms did not become widespread in American schools until later in the 20th century.

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Q: Did the children in the 1920s where school uniforms?
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Did the children of 1930 have school uniform?

In the 1930s, school uniforms were not as common as they are today. Some private schools and certain regions may have had school uniforms, but it was not a widespread practice. Schools often had dress codes, but they were not as strict or uniform as modern school uniforms.

What percentage of kids dislike school uniforms?

It is difficult to provide an exact percentage as opinions on school uniforms vary among children. However, some studies suggest that around 30-40% of children might express a dislike for wearing uniforms to school.

What percentage of kids do not like school uniforms?

There is no definitive percentage as attitudes towards school uniforms can vary widely among children. Factors such as personal preference, comfort, and style can influence how kids feel about uniforms. Research suggests that some children may not like uniforms due to feeling restricted in their self-expression or individuality.

How many people don't want school uniforms?

There is no definitive number, as opinions on school uniforms vary among students, parents, and educators. Some may feel that uniforms limit self-expression, while others see them as promoting equality and discipline. Ultimately, the perspective on school uniforms will differ from person to person.

What is the good side on not having a school uniforms?

Not having school uniforms allows for self-expression and individuality among students, promoting creativity and personal style. It can also reduce financial burden on families who may struggle to afford multiple uniforms for their children. Additionally, it can foster a sense of autonomy and independence among students.

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How can school uniforms benefit academically?

people say that uniforms will improve the academic achievement in school but children will get distracted by trying to make the uniforms look better

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What countries do school children wear uniforms?

Ireland and the UK.

What countries do children were school uniform in?

Some countries where children wear school uniforms include Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Uniforms are often seen as a way to promote equality and discipline among students.

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Who is smarter children with school uniforms or children without uniforms?

You know, going to a private school and having a uniform is more of a status thing, and it doesn't make you smarter; a person who has a public education can have the same amount of ambition and intelligence as a person who is "privledged" enough to go to an expensive private school.I have seen a lot of school uniforms and some are smart and some are not. Wearing a school uniform will not make you more intelligent.Both private and state schools can opt to have uniforms or not have uniforms. Often school councils want uniforms and are involved in its design. There is no evidence that introducing a school uniform will improve school performance.

What do Japanese school children always wear when on a field trip?

caps and uniforms