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Yes, the death of Romeo and Juliet did end all fighting in Verona.

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Q: Did the death of Romeo and Juliet end all fighting in Verona?
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What is the penalty for further fighting in Romeo and Juliet?

In Romeo and Juliet, the penalty for further fighting is death. Prince Escalus warns that anyone who disturbs the peace in Verona again will pay with their life. This severe consequence is meant to discourage further violence between the feuding families.

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Because there is a risk of getting caught by the Prince of Verona who threatened them with death if they were caught publicly fighting again.

Who says that anyone who fights in Verona will be put to death in Romeo and Juliet?

The Prince

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He banishes Romeo from Verona, stating that if Romeo was found inside Verona 'that hour shall be his last'

How does Romeo spend his last night in Verona?

Romeo spends his last night in Verona consummating his marriage with Juliet before he is banished. He then waits until the morning to flee to Mantua, where he will eventually learn of Juliet's apparent death.

What does the prologue say ends the range between two families of Verona?

the death of romeo and juliet

What does the prologue say ends the rage between two families of Verona?

The death of Romeo and Juliet

What act did romeo kill Paris?

In Act V, when he returns to Verona after hearing of Juliet's death.

What does romeo need to do in order to be with Juliet?

After he is banished from Verona, he will have to risk being put to death if he wants to be with Juliet in Verona. Of course, if Julet were to come to him, he wouldn't have to do anything, now, would he?

What news does Romeo's servant bring to romeo in mantua?

Romeo's servant brings him news of Juliet's death in Mantua. The servant is unaware that Juliet's death is a ruse to avoid marrying Paris, leading Romeo to return to Verona and ultimately take his own life.

Why romeo left Juliet to another city and what will happen if romeo is still in Verona?

Romeo was found guilty of killing Tybalt, and his punishment is that he is banished from Verona. If he is found in Verona, he will be put to death, otherwise he will be let alone. It's like sentencing him to death and then letting him escape to someplace where he can't be extradited.