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Stuffing and dressing are the same thing. It was called "stuffing" first, and was mentioned in print as far back as 1538. The Victorian upper crust began referring to this dish as "dressing" around 1880. The Pilgrims more than likely called it "stuffing", and it is more often called stuffing today than dressing.

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Q: Did the first Thanksgiving dinner have stuffing or dressing?
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A whole bunch of stuff. But stuffing and pie, if you want some examples.

How does one stuff a turkey for Thanksgiving?

Stuffing a turkey for Thanksgiving or any special dinner is easy. First, make the stuffing with either bread crumbs or rice. Next, clean the cavity of the turkey removing the giblets. Finally, fill in the turkey cavity with the prepared stuffing.

Did the Pilgrimes have stuffing on the first Thanksgiving?

yes they did did

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About 90 Native Americans from the Wampanoag tribe attended the first Thanksgiving dinner.

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