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Sharks appeared long before the dinosaurs. Their oldest fossils date back to somewhere between 450 and 420 million years ago, before there were land animals and when few plants had even colonized land. The first dinosaurs didn't appear until 230 million years ago. The sharks also outlasted the non-avian dinosaurs during the K-T extinction 65.5 million years ago, and they will probably continue to swim in the oceans for hundreds of millions of years to come.

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Q: Did the first sharks appear after the dinosaurs?
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Did sharks appear when dinosaur extinct?

No. Sharks appeared on earth long before the first dinosaurs did.

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Are dinosaurs really sharks?

Sharks are Sharks and dinosaurs are dinosaurs. But there were animals recognizable as Sharks living when the dinosaurs did.

What came first crocodiles or sharks?

Sharks existed at the same time dinosaurs did. Sharks pre-date the dinosaurs by quite a bit. To get from sharks to dinosaurs: sharks - bony fish - lobe finned fish - lung fish - amphibians - reptiles - dinosaurs.

According to Science, which was on the planet first Sharks or Dinosaurs?

The earliest shark fossils date back to almost 450 million years. Dinosaurs did not appear until 230 million years ago, meaning sharks have lived about 3 times as long as dinosaurs, and 100 times as long as hominids (human-like animals).

What kind of dinosaurs did the shark come from?

Yes, there were! In fact, sharks were around even beforethe dinosaurs!

Will sharks eat dinosaurs?

Yes because dinosaurs are tasty and sharks are mean

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How do you know that sharks are older than dinosaurs?

Fossils of sharks have been found dating back to the Silurian period, more than 200 million years before the first dinosaurs.

Did sharks exist million years ago?

Yes. Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years.

How were sharks brought to this world?

sharks where brought into this world by dinosaurs

What era did sand sharks first appear?

Sharks were first found to have existed in the Ordovician Period which was 450-420 million years ago. Sand sharks are also known as nurse sharks.