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Q: Did the founding fathers promoting religion in the first amendment?
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By including the freedom of religion in the First Amendment the founding fathers were promoting religion.?


By including the freedom of religion in the First Amendment, the founding fathers were promoting religion?

Actually, the founders included the freedom of religion in the First Amendment to ensure that the government would not establish a national religion and to protect the free exercise of religion for all individuals. They aimed to create a secular government that would not favor any particular faith, promoting religious freedom rather than any specific religion.

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The religion doesn't have a founder.The religion was sent by Allah through Prophets.

Why did the Founding Fathers leave out the word Christianity in all documents?

The Founding Fathers saw the United States as a free nation, where there would always be a separation of religion and state.

What were the Founding Fathers intentions about the eighth amendment?

They wanted the people the right to pay there way out of jail

Why are the founding fathers framers?

To seek freedom from harsh rulers in Europe. Especially when it comes to religion. The founding fathers made sure that when they founded this country, they gave people the right to freedom of religion.

What founding father originally proposed what would become the 27th Amendment 200 years later?

The founding fathers did not propose the 27th amendment. They were dead by that time. I found out from my teacher that it was a trick questions.

Why did the first amendment not approve of religion?

The first amendment doesn't provide for a "state religion", but allows and gives the right for people to go to any church ( or no church) that they wish. The founding fathers had seen what happened to people who lived under a state sponsored religion and eventually the oppression of other religions takes place not allowing for people to believe or not believe in the religion of their choice.

When did the founding fathers become founding fathers?

I think on 1943

Did any of the founding fathers have pets?

no.none of the founding fathers have pets

Who made the government?

In the US, our founding fathers.