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Q: Did the granddaughter in war horse die?
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Does albert die in war horse?

No, Albert does not die in "War Horse." He survives the war and is reunited with his horse Joey.

Does joey the horse in war horse die in the play and who draws the pictures of the horse in the play?

Joey, (the horse) does not die at all in the movie or book, but the man who bought Joey from Albert's dad does die in war.

Does horse in movie War Horse die?

Lots do but not Joey (the main one)

Does the horse die at the end of War Horse the movie?

No he does not. He returns home safely with his owner.

Does Joey the war Horse die in movie War Horse?

No he is the hero of the movie and he returns home at the end of the movie. you can also read the book War Horse and it will tell you the same thing.

How did lees ancestry help direct him toward a military career?

His father was 'Light Horse Harry' Lee of the Revolutionary War, and Lee himself married the granddaughter of George Washington.

Will the horse in war horse die?

No. Its a great movie and sorry I just gave it away. But I loved it :) (Its very bittersweet.)

Does topthorn die out of the war horse?

Yes, Topthorn does die, but Joey (the main horse) doesn't. People get mixed up between Topthorn and Joey sometimes.

Why does Emilie die in War Horse?

Basically she dies, although it is not said how.

What happens when you beat your granddaughter?

they die and you go to jail for 25-life

When did Zachary Taylor's horse Old Whitey die?

He passed on March 20, 1879. The old civil war horse lived 30 years.

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My granddaughter is studing the Revelutionary war in school.