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In short, yes.

Gaia was a primeval divinity of the earth, and either emerged from creation without father or mother, or from another of the primal elements.

Ouranos/Uranus was both created by her and was most often called her consort, and when the ancient people imagined the end of the sky they could see, they imagined a shining - and solid - dome of brass, the edges descending to touch the very outermost limits of earth - Gaia, in other words.

The Ourea were the rustic god spirits of the mountains, every mountain has a ancient bearded god. It's interesting that though the mountain nymphs are certainly well known and many, often considered the protectors of such wild places, the mountains were most by far considered male in essence, that is in spirit - save give or take a few cases.

Pontus was the very ancient sea god of the deep waters. His mate was Thalassa, who is sometimes thought to be the elder between the two.

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Q: Did the greek god gaia give birth to Uranus ourea and pontus?
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Who is protogenos in greek myth?

The Protogenoi were the first born of the Immortals - the basic components of the universe which emerged at creation. They included: Ananke (Necessity), Chronos (Time), Eros (Procreation), Gaea (Earth), Hemera (Day), Nyx (Night), Oceanus (Water), Ourea (Mountains), Pontus (Sea), Tethys (Nursing), Thalassa (Sea) and Uranus (Sky).

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it started out with chaos(nothingness) then it had gaia(earth) tartarus(tartarus) nyx(night) erebus (darkness). then gaia and tartarus had pontus(sea) uranus(heavens) ourea (mts). gaia and uranus had the titans. nyx and erebus had blame woe fate death sleep upperair day revenge deception strife oldage and friendship

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The gods and goddesses that exited before the Titans were called the Protogenoi, but they weren't organized the way the Titans and Olympians were, and many of those gods and goddesses were still recognized by the ancients as relevant. They were: Chaos - the Void Erebus - Darkness Nyx - Night Aether - Light Hemera - Day Gaea - Earth Uranus - Heavens Ourea - Mountains Pontus - Sea (male) Tartarus - underground Eros - Procreation Ananke - Compulsion Chronos - Time Phanes - Appearance Phusis - Nature Nesoi - Islands Thalassa - Sea (female)

What is The Castration of Uranus?

In the begining, Gaia the Mother Earth bore Uranus - Sky, Ourea - Montains and Pontos - Sea. Gaia and Uranus have got plenty of children, but Uranus hated them. The youngest son of Uranus, called Cronus ("Time") castrated his father with sickle. From Uranus' genitals became beautiful Aphrodite, nd from blood great Gigantes. After that, Cronus and Rhea were king and queen of Universe. Roman equivalent of Uranus is Caelus. He is alo castrated, by his son Saturn, equivalent of Cronus.

How many children does the greek goddess hera?

A lot. All of the deities trace lineage back to Gaia except: Tartarus, Eros (the original, not the son of Aphrodite and Ares), Erebus, Nyx. There are a few people who are descended from those previously mentioned without anyone connected to Gaia being involved as well. That said, she has at least 47 named children by various gods, including three without the aid of a father (Uranus, Pontus, and Ourea).

Who were gaias children?

In Greek mythology, Gaia had many children, including the Titans, who were powerful, divine beings. Some of the most well-known Titans were Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, and Hyperion. These Titans played important roles in shaping the world and the subsequent generations of gods and goddesses.

What greek god lived on a mountain?

The mountains themselves were called Ourea, children of Gaia, and were considered gods. There were also many rustic gods and goddesses of the wilds. Olympus is a mountain, and in very early mythology it was thought that the gods lived upon it; later, Olympus is thought to be above the clouds.

Is there a character in Greek mythology named Mountains If so what was his function?

The Ourea translates to mean "mountains" these being the children of Gaea; each and every Mountain was said to have its own ancient bearded god. Mountains were occasionally depicted in classical art as bearded old men rising up from between their craggy peaks.

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Who are the daughters of the Greek god Poseidon?

depended on if they were demigods or not :) so either demigods or usually (though definitely not always) nymphs

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