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Q: Did the invention of the telephone pave the way for the development of computers and the internet?
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What invention has had the greatest impact on computers?

Probably the Internet

Is the internet a scientific discovery?

The Internet as we know it today is the invention of a man called Tim Berners-Lee who di work out how to conect computers when computers were very hard to find

When was the original internet founded?

The history of the internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s.

Why is the invention of the telephone in 1876 relevant to the history of the Internet?

Because the Internet largely depended on the telephone (and still partially does). When the internet became an official invention, people began looking for ways to connect the internet. Phone lines looked like the obvious choice, since the voice they normally transmitted could be used for transmitting data. For connecting countries inside and out, people went with the smart choice of using fiber optics. They use light as a way of transmitting data rather than electrical pulses, and they worked very efficiently. After the invention of the internet, bundled with the telephone, cable became more popular, and still is.

What are some of the communication and transportation links that joins your community with others?

computers, internet, telephone, mobile and fax machine

What are some inventions that helped the scientific community learn or discover new information?

telephone, internet, mail, word of mouth (not an invention)

What are the latest invention for earth that can help us life easier?

to make our lives more easy; Computers, Internet, navigation systems.

What invention has changed the world the most?

computer, television, telephone , internet, light bulb, post, car, bicycle, paper, electricity, aeroplane.

What device do you need to be able to communicate with other computers using the telephone network?

MODEM (Modulator - Demodulator) allows communication between computers.Generally Modem connects to ISP over analog telephone line and further ISP connects to Computers over Internet.

How data travel through telephone line connection?

DATA Transmission is done through SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) & PPP (Point to Point Protocol) Protocols to enable computers to interact with Internet over Telephone Line.

What refers to the use of Internet technologies for placing telephone calls?

"The human voice carries too far as it is.. and now you fellows come along and seek to complicate matters..."-Mark Twain on the invention of the telephone.

How is the development of networking concepts crucial to the development of the internet?

without networking concepts, or the sharing of information, the internet would not be of use. the internet is a network of computers integrated and constantly uploading new information all the time. Take this for example, how i'm answering this question. If computers weren't networking 24/7 you wouldn't be seeing my answer right now.