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Q: Did the lokota Indians live in the same place?
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How were the mohawk Indians and the Cherokee Indians the same?

They are STILL the same because they now live modern lives.

How are the Indians and the Irish alike?

live in the same area

Which country did not want to live in the same towns or areas with the Indians?

The US

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No. One is in the East and the other is in the South. That is why they are called what they are called.

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yes! orcas and megamouth sharks do live in the same place

What kind of houses do the Indians live in?

Pretty much the same as everyone else.

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They don't all live in the same place. All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere, and live in Australia, Antarctica, Africa and South America.

Where do the Indians that lived in Oregon live now?

Many of them remained in the same general area.

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