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yes they did, they were the first people here, in Canada, but soon enough the fathers of confederation came, and some native tribes started to become extinct

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Q: Did the natives land in Canada before the fathers of confederation?
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Who did the Fathers of Confederation represent?

They reoresented their own colonies which were the Maritime colonies, and the Province of Canada, before 1867. After that beautiful year many other fathers joined the confederation. They also represent the country of Canada. And if you have a problem with that. I got 2 words for ya. SUCK IT. ☺

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Because its important

Was Canada created in 1867 with the Canada act?

No. The Confederation of Canada was created by the British North American Act of 1867. Before that there was a province of Canada.

How were Britain and Canada East related before Confederation?

Canada East did not exist as a separate entity. It was the former Lower Canada. From 1842 to 1867 was part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada. As such, it was a largely self-governing British colony.

Which five cities took turns being the Capital of Canada before confederation?

Toronto, Kingston Montréal, Québec, and Ottawa were all capital of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

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Strictly speaking, no, the united Province of Canada was split to form the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Québec at confederation. However, the Province of Canada included the old Canada West and the old Canada East, which were to become the new provinces. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were there before confederation.

When did the province of Quebec enter the confederation?

1867, before that they were part of the Province of Canada.

Why did Manitoba join Canada?

1. It is not called "confederacy" in Canada. The correct term is Confederation, and it is capitalized.2. Manitoba did not "join" Confederation. Manitoba did not exist as a separate entity before it entered Confederation. Manitoba was created out of the North-western Territories by the federal government.

What was the political condition in Canada before confederation?

The colonies where separated send depended on England Canada became a country in July1,1867.

Who was the governor general of Canada before Adrienne Clarkson?

The Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc was the Governor General of Canada immediately before Adrienne Clarkson, and the 25th since Confederation.

What was happening in the US during Confederation in Canada?

The American Civil War: it ended just before Canada came into existence; however, it probably served as a warning to the authors of confederation about the importance of having a strong central government.