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Q: Did the northern states favored a protective tariff because it would support manufacturing in the south?
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Which region of the US favored tariffs?

The South was against it. The tariff was aimed at protecting northern manufacturing. The South traded agricultural products like cotton for manufactured goods which the tariff made more expensive.

Massachusetts senator who favored a protective tariff in 1828?

Henry Clay

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Why Calhoun argues that the Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional?

It favored manufacturing over commerce and agriculture.

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I dört kaos niga

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Which groups tended to favor tariffs?

Northern industrialists favored tariffs.

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What statement best characterizes the view point of president Monroe?

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What party favored a high tariff?

The northern American states favored high tariffs because it made people buy American goods. The south would trade England the cotton and often get cloth in return. This made getting that cloth more expensive.