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yes because if they ran outta food the could have meat

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Q: Did the people on the Oregon Trail need guns?
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Where can you play Oregon trail online for free without downloading it?

You can play Oregon Trail online only if you can install a disk that you need. If you do not have the disk or the parts needed then you cannot play Oregon Trail online. If you would like to play Oregon Trail on your computer then you have to buy the game disk. That is how you can play Oregon Trail. For Further information about Oregon Trail you can E-mail me at Thank You

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How much money do you need to bring on the Oregon trail?

Approx. $15,000

Why did the pioneers need rifles on the Oregon trail?

Because the pionners might get attacked by native americans.

How do you get the Oregon Trail video game?

Just Google Oregon Trail game, you should come across a free online version of the game. You'll need to install an emulator plugin to play it, but after that, you should be good.

Why did people leave their homes to go on the Oregon trail?

this trail was highly used at the time and even had trading posts on the trail allowing for purchase of supplies. during this time people went on the trail to go west to escape there troubles in the east and looked to prosper in the west

What are some survival tips for going on the Oregon trail?

You will need extra boots and food. It also is good to have some spare wagon parts.

What was vegetation on the Oregon trail?

White Firvine maplered Adlerkinnikinnikbog birchdeer fernOregon ashocean spraySalasOregon grapeblack cottonwood

Why was chimney rock important on the Oregon trail?

It was a land mark and when pionners saw it, they knew they where in the right place.

How was the Oregon territory resolved?

I need an answer now please people help me

Why did catapults stop being used?

People don't need catapults when they have guns.

Did they have soap on the Oregon Trail (wild west)?

Yes, they both brought soap with them as well as the materials needed to make soap (lye and fat) on the trail should they need more. If they ran out of lye they could make it from wood ash. Fat could be obtained from meats.