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Q: Did the poor people of ancient Egypt bury the dead in the black land?
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What are the similarities and differences between ancient burial customs in china Egypt and rome?

Well, in China, they bury people in hills, in Egypt pyramids,

Why do Egyptians only bury the pharohs and queens?

the pharohs and queens were rich. and the rich people in ancient Egypt where buried

Why did acient egypt build pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians built pyramids in order to bury the pharaohs and their queens.

When would they bury people in ancient Egypt?

First of all the person would have to die. Then they were mummified and this process took about seventy days. Burial followed the mummification process.

Why did the the people in ancient Egypt bury the pharaohs in the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians believed that if a pharaoh was placed inside a pyramid, it would give him/her immortality in the afterlife. to keep it save from robbers that would rob the jewelry inside the cage the mummy had

How does Egypt benefit from its pyramids?

Thay bury people, like kings and queens, to honor them.

Could ancient Egyptian kids bury people?

yeah they did it all the time

A place where the dead are buried in ancient egypt?

One of the places where a lot of the dead are buried are in the pyramids. This is the system the Egyptians used to bury their dead.

What did Ancient Egyptians do to bury common people?

Most times common people were buried in one large whole

What are some unusual things about Egypt?

some unusual things about egypt is the weather, the way of how they bury dead people into mummies, pharaohs and much more. search WEIRD THINGS ABOUT EGYPT

Why were sarcophagi made?

they are made to bury ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and usually have more than 50 pounds of gold one EACH of them They WERE made to bury ancient, they encompass the coffin to keep weather/bugs out and to keep the ground above the coffin from sagging.

What did people do with the dead during the Black Plague?

They buried them or burned them if there were too many to bury.