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Q: Did the republican presidents of the 1920's give tax cuts to the wealthy?
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Republican presidents of the 1920s favored?

tax cuts for wealthy americans

Income inequality in the 1920s?

Income inequality in the 1920s was high, with the top 1% of earners capturing a significant portion of the wealth. Factors contributing to this inequality included technological advancements that benefited certain industries, tax cuts for the wealthy, and a lack of government regulation on big businesses. This economic disparity led to social unrest and economic instability, ultimately culminating in the Great Depression.

What was an economic policy that advocated a reduction in government spending and cuts in personal income taxes called?

This policy varies per country, but it describes American conservativism and the Republican Party's (GOP) economic policies. An example would be the Mellon Economic Plan from the 1920s during the presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

Can Obama repeal tax cuts?

Presidents often try to implement tax cuts (Obama has cut taxes several times since he has been in office). But tax cuts generally cannot be repealed unless congress goes along with it.

Which was one reason some people opposed supply side economics?

Part of the program called for large tax cuts for the wealthy.♥

What was one reason some people opposed supply-side economics?

Part of the program called for large tax cuts for the wealthy ♥

Which president the oldest candidate ever elected pushed for large tax cuts for the wealthy in an attempt to stimulate economic growth for all?

Ronald Reagan

Do Republican Presidents spend less?

They may promise to do so, but it doesn't always work out... and spending cuts are not always a good thing. Tuberculosis, which was very close to becoming a fully-eradicated disease, made a comeback after budget cuts under Ronald Reagan allowed immigrants to enter the United States carrying a new strain of it. (They previously would have been screened, and quarantined for treatment. Instead they spread the disease to others, after they arrived.) I swear i will sue you if you read buldoser

Bush Tax cuts?

Across the board tax reduction that occurred during 2001 and 2003. Supporters of President Bush's actions said it gave a tax cut ("tax relief") to everyone who paid income taxes. Opponents noted it was highly unusual to give tax cuts during a war; that these cuts mainly helped the wealthy; and that the tax cuts contributed to a growing budget deficit. The tax cuts were scheduled to expire in 2010.

How many of the repulican values are still held today by our government briefly explain?

Republican's traditionally favor tax cuts and big business so every time you see one of those think Republican! Seeing as this is supposedly a "Democratic" government you shouldn't see too many Republican values.

Are people who vote republican rich or poor?

The Republican Party is "for" anyone who wishes to join, be they rich or poor. Individuals and demographic groups have entered and left the Republican Party at various times throughout its 150-year history. At present, the positions of the Republican Party (lower taxes for the upper class, less regulation of business, less funding for New Deal-era programs, more spending on the military, fewer restrictions on gun ownership, more restrictions on abortion, and increased oil drilling on U.S. territory) tend to be accepted by rural Southerners and Midwesterners, wealthy businessmen, and religious people. However, not all members of these demographic groups will vote Republican, and individuals in other demographic groups may also be members of the Republican Party or vote for Republican candidates. Local issues may be quite different from the national issues, and Republican candidates even at the national level may not ascribe to all aspects of this ideology. Most simple answer I have ever heard..... Republicans think that.... America is great because of the people, not the government.

What is a paradox in Republican and Democratic policies over the last 25 years?

despite their support for tax cuts, the Republicans have sometimes outdone the Democrats in voting for government spending.