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Yes. The plague spread along trade routes such as the Silk Road, as well as in battle fields. In 1347 it reached Naples and Genoa, and from there it rapidly spread across Western Europe, striking heavily populated cities, such as Vienna and Paris, and isolated rural villages alike.

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Q: Did the silk roads spread the black death?
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How did the black death travel to sicily?

black death originated in China. Form where it spread via silk road.

Did the silk roads bring disease?

The silk road didn't cause disease to occur but it did greatly contribute to its spread most famously with the black plague.

How did the plague get here?

black death Plague was spread via silk road. Mongol armies also spread it.

What were some religions that spread during the silk roads?

Most Roman, Persian, and Greek religions spread around the silk roads during that time.

What is the role of trade in transmitting the plague?

The plague was spread by fleas on rats. Rats boarded trade ships in the East and jumped off at various harbors around Europe, spreading the plague wherever they landed.

When the black death spread to Europe it resulted in contact with what?

Black Death was spread by traders and Mongol armies. It came to Europe via silk road.

How how did the plague reach Sicily?

black death originated in china. It spread via silk road and reached there.

What trade route did the plague start on?

black death started in China. Than spread via silk road.


The Black Plague started in with the Mongolian nomads and spread through the Gobi Desert and to China and killed about 1 million or billion people. From China it spread to Italy possibly through the silk roads and from there it pretty much spread through flagellants, travelers, more trade and poor sanitation.

What are the resaults of the silk road?

The silk road was a huge part of our world history it spread many new ideas and innovations it spread Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam as well as other religions it made many civilizations rich and developed silk roads also spread goods from one civilization to the next such as silk from china and spices from India but the silk road also cause diseases such as measles and black plague to spread and wipe out civilizations.

A major result of trade along the silk roads was?

The spread of democracy of china

How did the black death spread from messina to the rest of sicily?

The port of Messina is believed to be where ships from Genoa that carried the Black Death laid anchor. The plague than carried from the people on the ships to the people in Messina, and continued to multiply from there to spread throughout Europe.