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Back in the early 1800's here in the United States, there were many slaves in the southern states that helped out in the homes of their slave owners.

It is a mistake to think that all the slave holders carried whips and beat their slaves and hurt them all the time. It was more like having paid servants that you paid for in advance and then had them for your servants their whole life.

Some people were full of hate and discrimination and did abuse their slaves, but mostly people did not because when you abuse your servants, they tend to not serve you well.

They would very likely have helped out with washing clothes, preparing food, doing dishes, cleaning rugs, washing floors, dusting, and a lot of other things including helping ladies put on those difficult dresses and things.

I added a link below for a PBS called Slavery in America. It shows a relatively unbiased view on how things were as opposed to some TV and movie dramas which only show the horrible, awful, but occasionally true events.

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You are probably asking this question because you have to do the dishes, and you feel like you might be a slave. In truth, we all have to do work that we sometimes dont like, but we know that it must be done. Another example is cleaning up a stinky baby who has messed his diaper and all his clothes and his crib and blankets and everything. We love our little ones and so we do the unpleasant thing of cleaning up all the poopy mess and doing all the laundry over again and again because we know it must be done and we need to do it.

Its part of growing up and being mature to understand this and to accept this and to be able to make yourself do it without having to be told to. Or, forced to like as if you were a slave.

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cooking, cleaning, making food for their masters.

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Q: Did the slaves do dishes
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What different types of work were done by slaves on plantations?

cotton picking, house work(dishes,cleaning laundry etc.) They worked in the stables, fanning their masters and tending to the plantation.

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Wooden dishes are dishes made from wood.

should i go to my house and do the dishes?

Yeah go do the dishes, dirty dishes can attract cockroaches

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Dishes can clatter

What was the job for the slaves?

a women jb was to work in the fields do dishes and if they didn't they would getwiped over 40 times or nose slits or burned as a child the ran errands until 9 then they did actual jobs

Why do you have to do the dishes?

so you can have clean dishes to eat on.

Are mothers supposed to do dishes?

Mothers may wash dishes but not all do. Some have jobs and have others doing dishes. Some will teach their children to wash dishes as a family chore. But there is no requirement that mothers have to wash the dishes.

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Clean the dishes.