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Q: Did the volcano (Kīlauea ) erupt due to convergent plates?
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Why does a volcano that sits on a convergent boundary tend to erupt continuously?

Because it won't erupt if it's not on land because the eruption is made by holes in the earth crust and to plates going into each other

How does a volcano erupt at a convergent boundary?

As an oceanic plate sinks into the mantle at a convergent boundary it causes rocks to melt. Some of the newly formed magma will migrate upward to volcanoes, that have formed along the convergent boundaries, and erupt.

When did a shield volcano erupt?

because movement of tectonic plates

How did Mount Adams erupt?

By two tectonic plates movement and the boundary that was involved was convergent.

Why do you think the volcano erupted?

volcanos erupt because when 2 tectonic plates clash into each other thatwhat forms an volcano to erupt

Why does the soufriere hills volcano erupt so explosively?

Because it is a volcano formed by converging plates

What is a constructive feature of a volcano?

A volcano had plate tectonics that makes a volcano erupt. The tectonic has certain segments, and they are plates.

How do plate tectonics make a volcano erupt?

When two plates collide one pushes the other one down. Then the magma goes through the gaps between the plates and then the volcano erupts. Volcanoes can also erupt by the plates spreading apart.

What plates caused Eyjafjallajökull to erupt?

It was the Eurasian Plate and the North american plates that caused the volcano to erupt. They rubbed against each other and caused shaking

How do plates tectonics cause volcanoes to occur?

At oceanic-continental convergent boundaries the oceanic plate goes under the continental plate because it is more dense. The the oceanic plate melts and builds up and after a while allot builds and eats through the crust finally coming out and creating a volcano

When 2 tectonic plates move towards one another the boundary between them is called?

Tectonic plates are the plates that move underground and cause volcanoes - I hope this answers your question. Z

What were the two tectonic plates that caused the Eyjafjallajokull volcano to erupt?

It was the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate