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Q: Did the wampanog indiams eat at specific times during the day?
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Did the wampanoag Indians eat at specific times during the day?

They ate each others dead skin

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No, Standing order means the meeting occurs on specific dates at specific times. Agenda is (are ?) the topics that will be addressed during the meeting.

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No specific show replaced Rocket Power since it aired at various times during its run.

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  Hazard-specific Appendices.

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A blow dart can be used for shooting darts, usually dipped in poisons. It was commonely used as a weapon during specific times in history; times which, I apologise, can not remember.

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A semi position test must be repeated twice during a quarterly inspection. The actual number of times it is repeated varies greatly based on the specific circumstances.

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The Zohar prayer cannot be read during three specific times: right before the dawn prayer, when the sun is at its zenith, and when the sun is setting. These times are known as times of prayer prohibition.

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In what city did British soldiers fired on townspeople?

This happened many times during the Revolutionary War. The specific incident you are probably looking for is Lexington 1775.

What happened during the ancient times?

Many lives were lived and many historical events occurred in ancient time. Please be more specific with your question.

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There is neither specific number for reading Quran, per religion, nor specific time duration when reading Quran. However, all Muslims are required to recite Quran during praying which could account for tens of times a day.