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Distribution of methane is in the atmosphere of mars.

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Q: Did they find methane in the atmosphere of Mars?
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What planet has the least methane in its atmosphere?

I believe the answer is Mars.

Are there any gasses in the mars atmosphere?

The atmosphere of Mars seems to be made of 78.2% Methane due to the aliens farting like crazy

How do you describe Mars atmosphere?

The atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide, rather like that of Venus, but much thinner.. It has smaller amounts of argon and nitrogen with trace amounts of methane.

Why do you think we have not sent humans to Mars?

because it is way to far away and because it has a methane atmosphere

What is the chemical name for what you commonly call marsh gas or sewer gas?

The chemical name for marsh gas or sewer gas is methane (CH4). It is a colorless, odorless gas that is highly flammable and is produced by the decomposition of organic matter in anaerobic conditions such as marshes and sewers.

What is mars atmosphere like?

very thin and made mostly of carbon dioxide.

What gases surround mars?

The gases that surround the planet Mars are carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, nitrogen and argon. Carbon dioxide makes up the majority of the atmosphere of Mars.

What are the gases in the atmosphere in Mars?

Carbon-dioxide 95%; Nitrogen 3%; Argon 1.6%;traces of oxygen and methane.

What is the principal gas in the venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmosphere of earth and mars?

Carbon dioxide is the principal gas in the Venusian atmosphere and also a minor component in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars.

Are there minerals or gases on Mars?

There is actually Methane in Mars' atmosphere. The finding of methane is a huge leap forward in the understanding of Mars. Even though it is only around 10 ppb. Having methane tells Scientists that there is something going on within Mars. If it is some kind of life-form or vulcanicactivity is not known. But either would be a great leap in understanding the red planet, and the origin of life.

What will you find on Mars?

gas. Mars has only a thin atmosphere. What you would find on the surface is rocks.

Does H2O-rich atmosphere find on Mars?

Mars does not currently have a thick, H2O-rich atmosphere like Earth. However, there is evidence that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere that may have contained more water vapor and been more conducive to liquid water on the surface in the past.