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Q: Did thomas edison's electric light work well?
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Who improved thomas edisons light bulb?

someone, but he IMPROVED the light bulb as well so... it wasnt the same for long

How does thomas edisons invention affect us today?

Well now that we have light we can see everything but without Thomas Edison's invention we can not see or do anything in the nightwithout light so thankyou Thomas Edison

Who invented the ''electric bulb''?

The electric light bulb was made by several people independent of each other. Thomas Edison is considered the creator of an effective light bulb. Others did not work as well or last as long.

Who invited the first electric light bulb and the phonograph?

Thomas Edison invented these things as well as many others in his workshop.

Thomas Edison invented the what?

Thomas Edison is most well-known for inventing the electric light bulb, which he patented in 1879. He also made advancements in the development of the phonograph and motion pictures.

What are the ages of Thomas Edisons siblings?

Thomas Edison had six siblings: two older siblings, Marion and William, as well as four younger siblings, Harriet, Carlile, Samuel, and Eliza.

What else did Thomas Edison invent other than the light bulb?

He invented the light bulb but not light, typewriter, motion picture camera, record player and 1,000 more inventions x

What was thomas Edison's adult life about?

Thomas Edison's adult life was primarily focused on innovating and inventing. He held over 1,000 patents for various inventions such as the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera. Edison also founded General Electric, one of the most well-known electric companies in the world.

Thomas Alva Edison invented?

Edison invented over a hundred things of which the most important thing is an electric bulb.Another Answer:Edison was not the Inventor of the Light Bulb. He bought the Patent rights, and then went on to make it more practical (a longer life) by improving the filament.

What did Thomas Edison invited?

he invented the light bulb and dictaphone. lots more as well

How do you think Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb changed the world?

Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb revolutionized daily life by providing a reliable source of artificial light, which extended working hours, enhanced productivity, and improved safety. It also paved the way for new technological advancements and laid the foundation for modern electrical systems.

Is Thomas Edison a mathematician?

yes Thomas Edison was a very talented man as well as inventing the light bulb he was also a amazing mathematician.