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Due the publication and bradcast of the Vietnam War many of the U.S. citizens were against the war. Many who oppsosed the war thought that we were fighting a war for the south vietnamese which was not needed

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12y ago
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13y ago

The Vietnam war was tolerated as part of the cold war. It was considered a necessary evil in the larger picture of combating communism. People weren't concerned about the "troops" or about "the war", they were concerned about the "commie pinkos" (some slang terms from those times) launching an ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile/nuclear type) into their city. Another words, they were a bit more concerned about Vietnam escalating into a full blown nuclear exchange between the communist superpowers rather than "that little ole war in Southeast Asia" (some more rhetoric from those times). Back in those days Americans had to "tuck and duck" in school (nuclear attack drills) and yellow painted sirens were installed in city blocks that sounded like air raid sirens from world war two.

In American cities, there were actually hidden SAMs in places like Los Angeles, San Franciso, etc. They looked a little bit like those metal elevator doors on some city side-walks. They were manned by US Army missile men and their mission was to shoot down Soviet/Russian bombers (which never came).

So as you can see, Vietnam was just Vietnam...there were bigger risks if Vietnam got out of hand.

TODAY there is no MAD (Mutally Assured Destruction), US service people can fight anywhere anytime without YOU suffering from a possible nuclear attack (discounting the war on terrorism of course).

Bottom line: Supporting the troops during the cold war was Non-Applicable.

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16y ago

Yes they did for the most part What they protested was the draft

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Q: Did people in America support the Vietnam war?
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Who did not support the Vietnam?

Most of the hippies and liberals did not support the Vietnam. that's why we pulled out of Vietnam during the war. we did not pull out in world war one and world war 2 because america was geared in for the war, but Vietnam, not all of america was in for it.

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Some people supported the Vietnam War because they supported America's resolve not let communism spread. The Cold War policy of America was still in effect during this time.

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America entered the Vietnam war to stop the spread of Communism

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At the end of the Vietnam War, Congress refused to support South Vietnam any longer.

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Yes. Vietnam was a French colony. They lost a Vietnam War and were thrown out of Vietnam before America tried to win a war in Vietnam. America also lost a Vietnam War.

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The Vietnam War made America stronger.

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?........the Vietnam war was a war between north and south Vietnam and America. America was trying to defend south Vietnam from the north invading and controling their territory. so America was on the side with south Vietnam

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commie pinko scumbags

What effects Vietnam from the Vietnam war?

Vietnam war made Vietnamese people having to do highest their effort to catch developed country.Maybe 100 years to be America now.

Who was America defending during the Vietnam war?

America was defending Vietnam.

What did the people here in America think about the war in Vietnam?

They didn't want to be drafted for it.