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Yes. Vietnam was a French colony. They lost a Vietnam War and were thrown out of Vietnam before America tried to win a war in Vietnam. America also lost a Vietnam War.

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Q: Did France loose the Vietnam war?
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Did france loose the Vietnam war?

Does the Vietnam war have anything to do with France colonizing Vietnam?

i think france doesn't have to do anything with the vietnam war

When is the official date France withdrew from the Vietnam War?

France withdrew from Vietnam in 1954.

When World War 2 began Vietnam was a colony of .?


Who did you fight in the Vietnam war?

We fought France>

Which country fought a war in Vietnam just before the US?

Vietnam was a French colony. The people went to war with France to gain their independence.

Vietnam was a colony of who when world war began?

Its not Japan for A+

Did England start the Vietnam War?

Nope. France.

What European counritry controlled Vietnam in1950 and How did they loose control?

France did until vietnamese guerrilla forces forced them out after dien ben phu.

How did the US loose more than a war in Vietnam?

Creditability was damaged.

When did France arrive in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

During the poopy war.

Why didn't France participate in the Vietnam war?

They had their war already from '46 to '54.