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febuary 22 1989

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Q: Did washington have a centennial celebration 100th anniversary of state hood when was it or if it hasn't when will it be?
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Related questions

In what year was Canada's 100th anniversary?

1967 was Canada's Centennial celebration.

What is a Centennial Celebration?

100th anniversary of an event, e.g. statehood, the founding of a company or organization, etc

What is the term for a 100th anniversary?


What is the 100th anniversary of an event called?

it is a centurion

What called for 100th year celebration?

It is a century or a centennial

What do you call the celebration which marks the 100th anniversary?

100 anniversary.

What is the difference between a century and a centennial?

The difference is that century means one-hundred of years while centennial the 100th anniversary or birthday, or the hundredth anniversary of something, or a celebration held to mark the anniversary.... it's really confusing and if you don't get it try reading it over and over again and really think about it ;)

What does centennial?

A centennial happens every 100 years on that specific day every 100 years. It's the 100th anniversary of something.

If a 100th anniversary is a centennial what is a 125th anniversary called?

It is called a Quasquicentennial (quasqui = 25, centennial = 100 years t.k.abdulla kunhi. mailid.

What birthday did America celebrate in 1876?

1876 was the Centennial, the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

When was New jersey's centennial celebration?

New Jersey became a state on December 18, 1787. So the 100th anniversary would have been December 18, 1878. The 200th anniversary was 1987.

What important Canadian anniversary occurred on July 1 1967?

July 1, 1967, was celebrated as Canada's Centennial. It marked the 100th anniversary of Canada's Confederation.