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Supper and alot of ppl are asking me wat supper and dinner is. Dinner is eating somewhere besides houses. Super is eating at houses. Just so ya know! (: By! (Keira Knightley here) Right now my bladder needs a break so freakin bad. I'm gona go potty bye! (;

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Q: Did you eat supper right now or dinner?
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At Christmas what did we burn but now eat?

well you would probably burn your thanksgiving dinner then eat a big x- mas dinner and gain that weight =]

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How is chicken made for supper?

Kill it take out the poop and guts put it in the oven take it out eat it Happy now??

Is there any term for Lunch and Dinner together?

Wow! What a question. You can try making your own word. Shakespeare made plenty of them! But for now here are some suggestions. You can try DUNCH as a combination of dinner and lunch or you can try LINNER as a combination of lunch and dinner.

When is dinnertime in Ireland?

traditionally dinner was eaten in the middle of the day but with modern working practices etc most main meals are now eaten in the evening. Sunday is the only day when most families now eat a mid day main meal. however in farming families, and amongst the older generation dinner is still largely eaten at around 1 p.m. (confusingly often called lunch, with the evening meal referred to as supper)

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What did Jesus command people to do at the last supper?

Jesus commanded His followers to eat bread and drink the fruit of the vine in remembrance of Him and the sacrifice He was about to make with His body and blood. This observance is now known as Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, Lord's Table, or the Eucharist.

Can you have geese for Christmas dinner?

Yes, Goose is a traditional Christmas dinner bird, not as common a Turkey though.

What is supper nova?

First of all, you spelled super wrong. You spelled it S-U-P-P-E-R, or supper (dinner). But let's get down to the point. A super nova is when a star gets old it shrinks into a white dwarf and then shoots past its normal size to become a red giant. It can't contain the large mass so it becomes unstable, blows up, and becomes a super nova or a black hole. Now if you're talking about a supper nova it probably means you ate a lot of dinner and threw up all over the place.

What is a great diet plan that is easy to follow?

One of the easiest and most successful diet plan out right now is the Special K diet. What it is, is you eat Special K, or a Special K meal bar, or things that Special K makes for breakfast and lunch, and then you eat a regular dinner.

What was once a supper club then turned to a burlesque club and now occassionally a country club?

Austin Supper Club

How much is a Mikasa Majorca dinner set worth?

there is a 32 piece set for sale right now on eBay for $250