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Q: Did you have to be married when Jesus was a Rabbi?
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Related questions

Was Jesus Christ a rabbi?


Why was Jesus sometimes called rabbi?

It is because rabbi is a respectful name meaning teacher.

What does a rabbi think of Jesus Christ?

You would have to ask a rabbi this question; but generally, a rabbi preaches about the Old Testament and the Jew's religion, and as such they cannot believe in Jesus, as the Apostle John says when he talks about them in John 12.39 & 40

What was Jesus called by his followers?

They called him rabbi, or teacher.

What are other names for Jesus?

Lord, Master, Rabbi

Who was Rabbi Yeshu ben Yousef?

This is another name for Jesus.

How would a rabbi and a priest interpret the claim that Jesus is the incarnation of God?

Unless the rabbi was a Messianic Jew he would disagree. A Catholic priest would agree with the claim that Jesus was God.

How does the joke A guy a rabbi and Jesus walked into a bar go?

A guy, a rabbi, and Jesus walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says,"Don't tell me this is some kinda stupid joke"

What is a married woman called in Hebrew?

rabbi = רב (pronounced Rav)The Hebrew word for Rabbi is rahv (רב) which means "master".The English word Rabbi actually comes from the Hebrew word rahbi (רבי) which means "my master".TeacherRav is Rabbi in HebrewThe Hebrew word for rabbi is rahv (רב)

What word was Jesus sometimes called that meant your teacher or your master?


How many times is Jesus called rabbi or teacher in the bible?


What name did Jesus' followers call him that started with t?

Teacher (or in Hebrew Rabbi)