

Best Answer

Have a urine pregnancy test done, it will keep your mind at rest.

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Q: Did your period came 7 days late and you are never late like that you and have no symptoms of being pregnant yet but you have a feeling that you pregnant and are confused?
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Your boyfriend and you had protected sex and the next day you started feeling period symptoms are you pregnant?

user-generated content: report abuse= Your boyfriend and you had protected sex and the next day you started feeling period symptoms are you pregnant? =

What are every symptoms of being pregnant?

missed period, nipples are dark, breasts grow, feeling sick/nausea

Can you find your pregnancy symptoms before your period?

The first symptoms of pregnancy normally come just after your first missed period, but the most common symptom is feeling tired and having this feeling that you are pregnant.

When first pregnant can you still get period like symptoms?

That feeling that menstruation is about to happen is very common. Most of the symptoms of early pregnancy are very much like PMS.

If iam getting my period but am getting prenancy symptoms does that mean am pregnant?

No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)

What are the symptoms you should feel if your on your period and maybe you are also pregnant?

If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

Can a woman have symptoms of her period if she is pregnant?


Could you be experiencing premenstrual asthma symptoms but still be pregnant?

You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.

Can you have symptoms of pregnancy and then get your period for about 3 hours and still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant.

What are the symptoms when you get pregnant?

A late period and morning sickness.

Can you still be pregnant if you have your period?

Some cases have shown that some women have had period like symptoms while pregnant

In early pregnancy can you be having your period symptoms but not your period?

im a month pregnant yes you can be pregnant and have your period symptoms but its not your period. when my period would come on i would have cramping and lower back pain. now that i am pregnant it feels the same way but a little more tense and i cant stand it