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Q: Did zoroaster gave the laws of ten commanment?
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What the number 10 significant means in the Bible?

GOD gave us ten laws to live by called the ten commandments.

One contribution to their civilizations that Moses and Hammurabi had in common involved?

Both Moses and Hammurabi gave their people a set of laws to guide their lives. Moses gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments while Hammurabi gave his people 282 laws known as the Code of Hammurabi.

How is Moses important to both Christianity and judaism?

God gave him the Ten Commandments and many other laws to pass on to the people.

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Solan was the ruler of Athens who gave the city a new constitution. Solan had people swear to obey the laws of the new constitution for ten years.

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What are the key actions of Moses?

After leaving Egypt, the Torah says, the Hebrews wandered through a wilderness for 40 years. During this time, God gave Moses the laws that became the foundation of Judaism. These laws are called The Ten Commandments.Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, the "mountain of god."

What did God give the Jewish people to help them avoid sin?

Commandments. God gave them 10 commandments to tell them what not to do. The Jewish leaders also gave them laws. They gave them so many laws that in order to obey them all, there would be no time to sin. But God, gave them ten commandments that really covered all bases. Since man was born into sin, it was impossible to keep all the laws and he (man) found ways to bend the commandments to fit mans own needs.

What are moral laws given to Moses by god?

The moral laws given to Moses by God are often referred to as the Ten Commandments. These commandments outline principles for ethical behavior, such as honoring one's parents, refraining from murder and theft, and avoiding false witness and coveting. They serve as a foundation for moral conduct in many religious and ethical traditions.

Are the ten commandments called laws?

Yes; Divine laws.

What is the difference between the ten commander and the code of Hammurabi?

the ten commandments have 681 laws the code of Hammurabi has 282 laws

What is the name of the ten laws found in the old testement?

the ten comandments

How did the ten comandments become laws?

The Ten Commandments are a set of moral and religious principles given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai in the Hebrew Bible. They are considered laws because they provide a foundation for ethical behavior and guide followers of Judaism and Christianity in their religious practices and interactions with others. Throughout history, these principles have been interpreted and integrated into legal systems in various societies.