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Artificial satellites are manufactured in laboratories. Natural satellites coalesced from the primordial cloud.

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Q: Difference between artificial and natural satellites?
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What is the similarity between a natural and artificial satellite?

The difference between an artificial satellite and a natural satellite is on how they are made. Electronic Satellites that are made by man launched into space are Artificical Satellites, while the Moon which is not artificially made are called Natural Satellites.

How are natural and artificial satellites similar?

Super has been to natural satellites but hasn't been to artificial satellites

What is the difference between a natural satellite and a artificial satellite?

A satellite is a body orbiting another like a planet or moon. A natural satelite is not man-made. The moon and other bodies were called this before the artificial, or man-made satellites were ever made like the ISS.

What is different between a moon and a satellite?

They are both satellites, but the moon is a natural satellite, while satellites are artificial

Does the Earth have more natural or more artificial satellites?

Earth has one natural satellite and more than a thousand artificial satellites.

What is the difference between natural and artificial eutrophication?

No answer

What is the difference between the processes of natural selection and artificial selection?

the difference between the 2 r that natural is the best looking or tasting and artificial is fake

Is there satellites roaming mercury?

Mercury has no natural nor artificial satellites.

What are the kinds of satellites?

There are two kinds of satellites: the artificial and natural satellite.

How many natural and artificial satellites does Venus have?

Venus has no natural satellites. It does have two artificial satellites (space probes). Venus is one of the two planets in our solar system (together with Mercury) that have no moon/natural satellite.

What are natural and artificial satellites?

Natural satellites are organic objects that orbit the earth such as the moon. Artificial satellites are objects humans propel through the earth's atmosphere in order to orbit the earth such as satellites for TV and radio signals.

Are moons and satellites the same thing?

Yes, if you are talking about natural satellites. Artificial satellites (spacecraft) are not moons.