

What is different between a moon and a satellite?

Updated: 3/12/2022
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8y ago

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They are both satellites, but the moon is a natural satellite, while satellites are artificial

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Bennett Bode

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Q: What is different between a moon and a satellite?
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Is satellite is between the moon and earth?

yes satellite is between moon and earth. moon can see a satellite only for ten hours in a day

What is the difference between the moon and a satellite?

The moon IS a satellite - a celestrial body that orbits a planet. Natural satellite is usually synonymous with moon.

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What is the different between earth and the moon?

There are many differences between the Earth and Moon. For instance, the Earth is a planet, while the Moon is a satellite. Also, the Earth is occupied, while the Moon is unoccupied. Finally, things grow on the Earth, but they do not grow on the moon.

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the earths satelite is called the moon but there are many different names

Differences of the satellite and moon?

The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.The Moon is a satellite.

How is a moon different from a satellite?

a moon is a natural satellite. A satellite is something that orbits a planet. In the case of the earths moon this is a natural satellite, it was created by nature. In terms of satellited which orbit the earth, these are man made satellites and follow a direct path set by a human.

What is the Difference between earth and a natural satellite?

A natural satellite is our/other planets moon/s this is not finish

Is the moon a satellite of earth?

Yes, the moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.

Is the moon a star or a satellite?

The Moon is a moon. A natural satellite of the Earth.

What do you call a moon orbiting a moon?

a satellite of a satellite

What is a moon that is between earth and sun?

a satellite, either natural or artificial.