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Q: Difference between greedy method and divide and conquer method?
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What is the difference between greedy algorithm and Divide and Conquer?

greedy method does not give best solution always.but divide and conquer gives the best optimal solution only(for example:quick sort is the best sort).greedy method gives feasible solutions,they need not be optimal at all.divide and conquer and dynamic programming are techniques.

Difference between greedy algorithm and dynamic programming?

the basic difference between them is that in greedy algorithm only one decision sequence is ever generated. where as in dynamic programming many decision sequences are generated.

What are the difference between greedy algorithm and dynamic programing?

A greedy algorithm is similar to a dynamic programming algorithm, but the difference is that solutions to the subproblems do not have to be known at each stage; instead a "greedy" choice can be made of what looks best for the moment.

What is the difference between selfish and greedy?

selfish people obly care about themselfs, but greedy people want everything to them selfs : e.g a=greedy b=selfish a- i want the world, money things everything , buut i still care about my family + friends b- its all about me , i need + what everything , i dont care abotu anyone but me! thats the difference!

Is China a capitalist state in disguise?

Very much so. It is human nature to be greedy, and the obviously huge difference in the country between those of wealth and those in poverty attests to it.

How do you tell the difference between someone who is monetarily abused by their spouse and someone who is just greedy and selfish?

Wow, I have never heard of this abuse before, but I will try to answer the question. You do not tell a difference because there is none. Why even put an "abuse" label on it? A person who is greedy and selfish is going to spend the money on themselves regardless of their spouse's needs, causing the spouse to go without. I suppose it would then be sensible to label it "monetary abuse," but I would just leave it as being married to a greedy and selfish person.

Are mice greedy?

Yeah. They are greedy

Were greedy for more gold sentence or fragment?

The phrase 'were greedy for more gold' is a fragment. Who was greedy? Correct: The men were greedy for more gold. The miners were greedy for more gold.

Is Eminem greedy?

no eminem is not greedy...

How do you put greedy in a sentence?

You describe who is greedy. (the old man was very rich and greedy)

Why were conflicts on the rise between the British and the Conlonists in the revolutionary war?

Because th colonists were greedy.

What part of speech is greedy?

Greedy is an adjective