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The best features about plasma screen televisions is that they don't have any kind of pixels. This allows for a completely clear image but also a higher price tag.

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Q: Difference between plasma digital television and LCD television?
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What is the difference between led television and digital television? This site will explain it all. Good Luck!

What is the difference between plasma the state of matter and plasma tv?

There is no difference the only thing is plasma is in a TV in plasma screen TV and plasma is outside of the TV in the state or matter.

What is the difference between Plasma vs Lcd?

The difference between a plasma and widescreen lcd tv is that a plasma has less of a viewing range. They both have great video quality.

What is the difference between a plasma and a led television?

LCD are little lights for each and every pixel, while plasma has two pieces of glass with plasma between the two.

what is the difference between lcd television and jvc plasma?

A JVC plasma is a brand of television and a plasma television does not use liquid crystal displays (which is and LCD television). Plasma televisions are thinner and provide crisper images.

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The difference between the two TVs is the high definition resolutions. There are many different companies that make both models.

What is the difference between bush 50in TV plasma and Samsung 50in led?

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What is the difference between high definition and plasma television?

High definition refers to the quality of the picture, and plasma refers to the type of screen. All plasmas will be high definition, but not all high definition TVs will be plasma.

What is the difference between a High Def TV and a Plasma TV?

A Plasma TV is just one type of technology used in High Definition TVs, which are TVs that operate at certain resolutions (720p and 1080i most typically). A plasma TV can be high def it is how fine of a picture the TV can show.

What is the difference between LCD televisions and plasma?

Viewing angles for a plasma will not have as many problems as viewing angles for LCD's, Screen Refresh Rates / Pixel response time for plasma screens are faster, and plasma tvs tend to be heavier. For more information on the differences, visit

Tell me how can i tell the difference between an LCD TV and Plasma TV?

LCD is lighter than Plasma but plasma has a more true black color. Besides price you won't likely notice much difference. Earlier lcd models had trouble showing a true black, but the technology has improved considerably. There still is some difference, but it really comes down to weight and price now.