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The difference between a public company and a public enterprise it the level of ownership and how that ownership agreement is arranged.

Public companies issues stocks for ownership and is comprised in percentages of ownership regulated by the SEC and is managed by individuals appointed by share holders that are liable to the owners. These venues of ownership are traded on the stock exchanges and are offered to be co-privately held and or shared ownership with others from the founders.

Public enterprises are strictly held companies that are managed by government usually state, regional and even federal government. Since government is held accountable to all citizens for operations and profits generated go into government funding this is the main reason it is listed as a public held.

Great examples are colleges and universities listed as state/federal institutions that conduct research and/or contribute to commerce such as technology and or medical research developing new applications or treatments through science. These institutions usually garner income via sales to corporations that pay royalties and or rights to sell direct to consumers. The income is usually redistributed to continue educational endeavors or supplement grants into scholarships a return back to the public in self-sufficient funding and providing public access to higher education.

Another for of government enterprise maybe a state regulate ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) where profits generated may be utilized to help on-going efforts to regulate state alcohol sales via law enforcement, licensing and even drunk driving check points. It returns profits to also fund other related state funding that may include drug abuse prevention education and more. The main goal of Public Enterprises is provide more government services yet maintain or reduce the costs upon it's main consumers taxpayers.

So the main difference between the two agents of public businesses is one stands to benefit the public in reduced taxes such as Public Enterprises while Public Companies are limited to garner profits towards direct investors. Reporting of profit earnings are also required to the public unlike public enterprises where exact accounting statements are free and offered directly to any citizen(earnings, unearned revenues & etc).

Public companies require a purchase and/or report accounting operations in limited access to the public via public relations and controlled media content. Direct investors(shareholder's ownership the full report of yearly/quarterly and monthly earnings and/or forecasts are provided as part of ownership).

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