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The relational model isolates data by object and identified references (foreign keys) to those objects. This is usually captured in a table with multiple attributes (columns). The foreign key is a data value that refers to another data object (another table) which has its primary key as the other object's foreign key. The virtue in this is summarized in Dr. Dodds data normalization theorems.

Hierarchical modeling takes the normal model and summarizes it in a tree. In effect we take a cartesian join. This is usually done in datawarehousing. This is important because we begin to look at layers of the object model rather than views of the data store. Aspect analyiss of the data in hierarchical models depends on the tree structure and is focused on each data object. The tree model contains objects that are replicated.

Each have completely different benefits when coming to the mechanics of persistence and indexing. The true model is to identify what I've called the DATA TRIANGULATION MODEL where data consumption (often GUI or reports or reference calls), persistence, and prominence are characterized. Choice of mechanics between which is most useful comes from these three elements. We realize this model is incomplete as there is the OOD and list theorems that can corrupt the DATA TRIANGULATION MODEL.

We return to mechanics at this point because that is what limits us. IOPS, persistence, availability, durability, and supercalifragilisticexpialidociousability. -cja

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Q: Difference between relational model and hierarchical model?
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Why is navigation simpler in a relational data model than in a hierarchical data model?

Actually, Hierarchical model have some disadvantages.1. If we are at leaf(last table in hierarchy) then we cannot go directly to the another leaf.2. If we want to go to that another leaf then we have to follow a long path(means we have to access again the intermediate tables).Due to above disadvantages in Hierarchical model, the navigation in simple in Relational model. Because we can go directly to the another table without accessing the intermediate tables.

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What is ER models?

The Entity-Relationship Model is often referred to as a semantic data model, because it more closely resembles real world scenarios than, e.g., the relational model. . In the ER model, we model the concept of "Instructors." In the relational model we deal with names and phone numbers. . In the ER model, there is a distinction between entities (objects) and relationships between such entities. In the relational model, both concepts are represented by relations.

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The hierarchical data model organizes data in a tree-like structure with a single parent for each child record. On the other hand, the network data model allows for multiple parent-child relationships, creating a more flexible and complex network of interconnected records. In the hierarchical model, relationships are one-to-many, while in the network model, relationships can be many-to-many.

What do you understand by a Database-Model?

A database model is a theory or specification describing how a database is structured and used. Several such models have been suggested. Common models include: * Hierarchical model * Network model * Relational model * Entity-relationship * Object-relational model * Object model A data model is not just a way of structuring data: it also defines a set of operations that can be performed on the data. The relational model, for example, defines operations such as select, project, and join. Although these operations may not be explicit in a particular query language, they provide the foundation on which a query language is built.

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The Entity-Relationship Model is often referred to as a semantic data model, because it more closely resembles real world scenarios than, e.g., the relational model. . In the ER model, we model the concept of "Instructors." In the relational model we deal with names and phone numbers. . In the ER model, there is a distinction between entities (objects) and relationships between such entities. In the relational model, both concepts are represented by relations.