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* Spoken * Noticed easily * Often consciously produced


* Silent, body language

* Sometimes difficult to spot * More often, subconsciously produced ill give you an example you got a verbal write up at your job, that means that they sat down with you face to face and told you what you were doing wrong. same scenerio nonverble means no one took the time to tell you themselves but had the complaint typed up and you were handed that as your write up to read an sign verbal means you heard the problem from someone non verble means the complaint was typed up and sent to you another example you were sat down and given a verbal warning you received a nonverbal warning in the mail

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Q: Differences of verbal and nonverbal messages?
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The term 'verbal communication' encompasses any sort of spoken communication. 'Nonverbal communication' describes any type of communication other than verbal. Some examples of nonverbal communication are: email, gestures, writing messages on a chalkboard.

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