

Best Answer

pulumonary serculation is cerculated in the lung systemic serculation is all of ours body system

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Q: Differentiate clearly between the roles of the pulmonary and systemic circulation?
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What part of pulmonary circulation is systemic part of the path of blood through the heart is pulmonary?

Pulmonary circulation is the exchange of blood between the heart and the lungs. Systemic circulation is the the exchange of blood between the heart and the body overall

What are the differences and similarities between the pulmonary and systemic circulations?

Pulmonary Circulation carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs to receive oxygen, while the Systemic Circulation carries the oxygenated blood throughout the body so the oxygen can be used, returning to the Pulmonary Circulation as deoxygenated blood.

What are the 3 primary cycles of blood in the human body?

The three primary cycles of blood in the human body are the pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation, and the portal circulation. Pulmonary circulation involves the flow of blood between the heart and the lungs, systemic circulation circulates blood throughout the body, while portal circulation carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver.

What type of blood circulation is between the heart and the rest of the body?

The systemic circulation carries blood between the heart and the rest of the body. In contrast, the pulmonary circulation brings blood between the heart and the lungs.

What is the structural difference between pulmonary vessel walls and systemic vessel walls?

The role of the pulmonary circulation is to take blood that is poor in oxygen and load it up with oxygen. It also takes the carbon dioxide content of blood and gets rid of it, that is you exhale it. One role of the systemic cirulation to deliver oxygen rich blood to where it is needed. That is to say that cells need oxygen to do their work, the brain to think and the muscles to contract. They get their oxygen from the systemic circulation. But blood in the systemic circulation got its oxygen from being in the pulmonary circulation.

How does systemic circulation work?

systemic circulation - BETWEEN the heart and lungs

What are the three major circuits of blood flow?

Pulmonary circulation (between the heart and lungs) Systematic circulation (between the heart and the rest of the body) Coronary circulation (the heart's own blood supply/supply to cardiac tissue)

How does systemic systemic system works?

systemic circulation - BETWEEN the heart and lungs

What is the difference between pulmonary circulation coronary circulation and systematic circulation?

the circulation is divided into 2 circulations 1st is pulmonary circulation in which what happens is that when the pulmonary artery caring impure blood to the lungs for purification and the pure blood (oxygenated) in brought back from lungs to heart through pumonary vien, this is pulmonary circulation 2nd systematic circulation in this what happens is that the pure blood from the left ventricle is forced to all other part of the body through aorta to all the cells and tissues, after the diffusion in which stuffs are interchanged( carbon dioxide and glucose and oxygen) it is brought back to the heart through inferior or superior vena cava, this is systemic circulation Finally, the coronary circulation is the circulation of blood that feeds the heart itself, since it does not receive any oxygen from the systemic or pulmonary circulations.

What are the differences between the systemic and pulmonary circulatory systems?

the heart has two systems, the pulmonary and the systemic system.the pulmonary is responsible for getting carbonated blood (blue) to the lungs to get loaded with nutrients and oxygen (see cellular respiration) and to take oxygen rich blood back to the heart. While the systemic system is responsible for taking oxygenated blood (red) from the heart to the rest of the body to diffuse the ATP (ATP = oxygen + nutrients from food. ATP is energy.) Then the carbonated blood (carbonated) returns to the heart to be sent back to the lungs.(pulmonary system)

What is pulmonarycirculation?

Pulmonary circulation is the blood circulation between the heart and the lungs (pulmonary means "lungs").

What is the Circulation between heart and heart?

Is called pulmonary circulation .