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Q: Difficult to perceive by the senses barely noticable?
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What type of can you not perceive with one or more of your senses?


Is perceive a noun?

The word perceive is a verb (perceive, perceives, perceiving, perceived); the noun forms for the verb are perceivedness and perception.

What is the process of using the senses to perceive one's environment?

Using any or all of your 9 or so senses to examine your environment is organoleptic analysis.

What sports involve science?

All of them. Anything that you can perceive with any of your senses involve science.

Are 'time' and 'space' physical objects?

No, they are not objects at all. They are abstract concepts we use in reference to objects. We cannot perceive them with our senses. They are nonphysical. They are just measurements we use to quantify physical objects that we can perceive.

How does the rule of closure affect perception?

Closure has the tendency to perceive a complete or whole figure even when there are gaps in what your senses tell you

You say we perceive through our senses how?

Our senses are connected to our brain. Our brain takes the input and tries to make sense of the outside world. This is known as perception. Our brains are wired up from birth to relate the senses to what we perceive the world to be. Depending on how we are wired up determines what we believe to be. Our perception can be decieved, through things like optical illusion or sense deprivation. One persons perception may be different to anothers.

What kind of noun is the word IDEALS?

The word ideals is an abstract noun. Ideals are a mental concept, an idea. You cannot perceive them with your senses.

Do you have sixth sense?

What some perceive as a "sixth sense" is actually something that originates from the mind, which makes it not a sense in the true sense of the senses we have.

What does an observer do?

An observer is one who observes. That person uses his senses or instruments to perceive or detect things, and makes notes as to what was seen, heard, recorded, etc.

What is an impaired perception of reality?

Perception has to do with the senses, especially sight and hearing; our perception of reality is our observation of the world or environment in which we live. If that perception is impaired, this means that we do not perceive reality accurately. We may perceive things that are not really there, or fail to perceive things that are there, or perceive things in an altered way. Impaired perception of reality, if it is severe, is a symptom of schizophrenia, although there are other ways in which the perception of reality may become impaired.

What is common robot sense?

Common robot senses include cameras for detecting visuals, sensors for detecting touch and proximity, microphones for detecting sound, and gyros for detecting movement and orientation. These senses enable robots to perceive and interact with their environment.