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three molecules of ATP

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Q: Digestion of sucrose results in
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Sucrase is an enzyme that breaks sucrose down into glucose and fructose what happens to the chemical bonds in sucrose when it binds to the enzyme sucrase?

Hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond results. Sucrose is reduced to glucose and fructose.

Site where digestion of disaccharides takes place?

The site where digestion of disaccharides takes place is in the mouth. An example of disaccharides is lactose, maltose, and sucrose.

Does E. coli ferment sucrose?

Not all E.coli strains ferment sucrose, so results are variable.

Why does the amount of sucrose in the diet affect the concentration of glucose in the blood?

Sucrose is made of 2 sugars, glucose and fructose. It is broken down into these components during digestion.

The hydroloysis of sucrose by the enzyme sucrase results in?

Glucose and Fructose

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What is the watery material that results from digestion in the stomach?


What is that watery material that results from digestion in the stomach?


Protein digestion in the stomach results primarily from secretions released by what?

Protein digestion in the stomach results primarily from secretions released by the gastric glands. The enzyme that is secreted is called pepsinogen.

What monosaccharides are formed upon hydrolysis what sucrose?

The hydrolysis of sucrose by the enzyme sucrase results in breaking the bond between glucose and fructose and forming new bonds from the atoms of water.

What results from the action of sucrase on sucrose?

A molecule of common table sugar, sucrose, can be hydrolyzed into its two main molecular components by the enzymatic action of sucrase. Following hydrolysis, the resulting fragments are fructose and glucose.

What the name of process where sucrose converts to amylase?

Sucrose does not convert to amylase. Amylase is an enzyme which helps break down starches into sugar.The general process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones in order for the body to use nutrition is called digestion.