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Q: Discuss the variations in electronegativity values and sizes of s block elements?
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What trend do you see in the relative electronegativity values of elements within a group?

It decreases from top to bottom!

What is the exact value of Fluorine's Electronegativity on Pauling's Scale?

On Pauling scale flourine has been given an electronegativity value of 4.0. And this is the exact value, the values for other elements are calculated relative to it.

A polar covalent bond is most likely to form between two elements that have a difference in electronegativity values of?

I believe it is if the difference in electronegativity is > 1.

Why do covalent bonds not involve the transfer of electrons?

Because the CR-D of 1997 states that the elements involved have similar electronegativity values.

Where are the elements with low electronegativity located on the periodic table?

Atoms with the lowest electronegativity values located on the leftmost part of the periodic table. The atom with the lowest electronegativity belongs to Francium.

What type of bond will form in a molecule of iodine?

A covalent bond, as in all diatomic elements. To be specific, a nonpolar covalent bond, since the electronegativity values are identical

State the definition and trend for electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the ability for an atom to attract electrons. It is expressed in numeric values in Paulings (a unit named after a chemist). On the periodic table it increases from left to right across a period. It decreases down a group on the periodic table.

What is electrical charge iron?

Typical cation electric charges for iron are Fe2+ and Fe3+, meaning that they typically give away electrons to elements with higher electronegativity values.

What is the the difference between the electronegativity values of carbon and sulfure?

Both Carbon and Sulphur have an electronegativity value of 2.5

What is the difference electronegativity values of sodium and bromine?

The difference electronegativity values of sodium and bromine are; Sodium(Na) 0.9, Bromine(Br) 2.8 thus a difference of 1.9.

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Where are the atoms with the lowest electronegativity value located?

Atoms with the lowest electronegativity values located on the leftmost part of the Periodic Table. The atom with the lowest electronegativity belongs to Francium.