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Q: Distance the droplets from a sneeze travels?
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How far do bacteria travel when you sneeze?

A simple sneeze spray an average of 40,000 droplets of saliva and mucous but some sneezes can go up to about 60,000 to 120,000 droplets. It lingers around in the air for about 12 hours and you also might smell your own sneeze. The air from a sneeze can travel 10 ft away but the wet spray travels and infects people 5 ft away. Simple sneeze: Achoo!= 40,000 droplets Wet sneeze: Ha-Isshhoo!= 60,000 to 120,000 droplets happy sneezing

What should you do when you have sneeze why?

You should cover your mouth, so that your sneeze droplets don't fly everywhere.

How fast can pathogen carrying droplets fly out of your mouth when you sneeze?

The droplets can fly out of your mouth at up to 100 mph.

How much water comes out of your mouth when you sneeze?

Tens of thousands of tiny droplets fly out of your mouth when you sneeze, along with bits of mucus from your nose.

How far does a sneeze go?

Cover Your Mouth!The spray radius of a sneeze is 15 feet. A sneeze is a reflex response using the muscles of the face, throat and,chest,releasing up to 40,000 droplets...The droplets of a sneeze can travel as fast as 150 feet a second, so If a sneeze takes a little less than a tenth of a second then the answer would be around 15ft, I'd guesstimate the maximum straight line projection at 12 ft.

What is highest recorded sneeze speed?

Well according to FerrariF50man's Experiment on Youtube ''Does a sneeze travel at 70mph?''The answer is basically 'no' because the sneeze power out of your nose feels like it travel fast but it really travels at about 23mph / 30kph! :)A sneeze can basically travel at the speed of 23 miles per an hour.WELL...According to Myth Busters it's 39 MPHit is 165km per hour

How far do sneeze germs go?

As far as i know,it travels approximately 150mph

Why do sneezes smell?

If you smell anything, you're most likely smelling the thousands of saliva droplets that the sneeze just sprayed out.

A sneeze will shoot out of the nose at what speed?

Mucus typically travels at 100 mph when sneezed.

Can a sneeze travel faster than the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is faster then the amount of speed a sneeze can generate. The speed of sound travels 741mph while the information that is provided shows a sneeze can travel up to 100mph.

Why do sneezes stink?

it is the bacteria and old saliva that exists in your mouth. As you sneeze you spray tens of thousands of droplets that contain saliva and bacteria into the air. As people breath in the droplets they would smell the saliva and bacteria that was in the air.

What is the distance your vehicle travels while stopping?

The distance your vehicle travels while stopping depends on various factors such as your speed, road conditions, and reaction time. On average, a car traveling at 60 mph can take anywhere from 100-130 feet to come to a complete stop.