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Yes. At any given time there are about 2000 thunderstorms occurring, many of them in the tropics.

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Q: Do 1000 thunderstorms occur at any given time?
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How many thunderstorms occur on the earth's surface any given time?

Approximately 1800-2000 thunderstorms occur on the earths' surface.

About how many thunderstorms occur on the Earth's surface any given time?


Do thunderstorms usually occur before an earthquake?

in some cases it does but no not all the time.

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Tsunamis and thunderstorms are completely unrelated phenomena. It is definitely possible for a thunderstorm and a tsunami to occur in the same place at the same time, but it would be entirely by coincidence.

What time of year does a thunderstorm occur?

The most likely time of year for thunderstorms is late spring through the summer. They can occur at any time of the year if the conditions are right.

How often do thunderstorms occur?

Thunderstorm frequency varies according to the location. Hot and humid climates experience thunderstorm activity at a far higher rate than deserts or cold climates. The map at the related link below shows where thunderstorms occur worldwide and their frequency.

What type of storm is most common all over the world?

Thunderstorms are the most common time of storm. At any given moment there are hundreds of thunderstorms scattered around the world.

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What time of day do tornadoes usually occur and why?

Although they can occur at any time of day, tornadoes are most common in the late afternoon and early evening. This is when the lower atmosphere is usually the warmest and thus the atmosphere is usually the most unstable. These conditions are conducive for the formation of strong thunderstorms which, given a few other conditions, can produce tornadoes.

How many thunderstorms does Florida usually get every year?

No offense, but this is a stupid question. This is a stupid question because every year the thunderstorms in Florida occur at different times and they are never at the same time or lengths.

Where was the last thunderstorm at?

There is no way to say when the last thunderstorm was. At any given time there are hundreds of thunderstorms occurring throughout the world.

How did hurrican form?

Hurricane Hugo formed in September of 1989 when a cluster of thunderstorms formed off the coast of Africa. Given time and the warm waters of the ocean, the thunderstorms banded together to form the hurricane.